ACT4LITTER project co-financed by European Regional Development Fund through Interreg Med program, successfully ended this October. The aim of the project was to facilitate efforts for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean MPAs through the development of effective and targeted measures towards reaching their conservation objectives via an ecosystem-based approach. Blue World Institute was one of 22 associated partners of the project. Besides third and last associated partners meeting, as one of the last project activities the ACT4LITTER Closing Regional Conference was organized on 24th of October 2018 at the Central Building of the University of Athens. The conference managed to gather many different participants from regional social, political, industrial, scientific, and NGO sector. Therefore, problem of the plastic pollution was discussed from very comprehensive aspects – from EU level decision makers, through environmental NGOs and scientific institutions, but also from plastic industry representative’s perspective. Many new initiatives, innovations and measures were presented as examples of the good practices. Common conclusion was that while waiting for new technological solutions for reduction of plastic present in the environment, we should concentrate on reduction and avoidance of their usage whenever possible and development of circular economy models where plastic is recycled or reused in some other forms. Very special moment of the conference was direct dial from the session of the EU Parliament when the new Single Use Plastics Directive was voted. The decision was followed by big applause from all conference participants. ACT4LITTER project was evaluated as very successful example of creation of direct measures for tackling marine litter and therefore received strong support message from European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Mr. Karmenu Vella. During the 18 months of the project duration, the Blue World Institute’s representatives actively contributed to its great success. For us, it was a unique opportunity to learn a lot about marine litter issues from different perspectives and understand it better in order to make our own efforts in proposing adequate measures to the local and national decision makers to fight this problem together. Many steps we already started, first of all in education of children and youth.