Veli, the last of three sea turtles that were admitted to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre on Lošinj due to a strong storm earlier this year, was released into the sea today. We organized the return of this recovered loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) to nature on Punta in Veli Lošinj, not far from the place where it was rescued a few months ago. The interruption of hibernation and prolonged exposure to relatively low temperatures have affected its vital functions back then. At the time of admittance, it was extremely malnourished, which was the reason of the longer recovery. However, during the recovery, Veli tripled its body weight and returned to the sea bigger and stronger! Before the return to nature, it prepared itself in the sea pen located in a protected bay.

Along with the employees of the Blue World Institute, on its way back to the sea Veli was greeted by students from Mario Martinolić Elementary School and kindergarten group from the kindergarten Cvrčak in Veli Lošinj.

Through continuous procurement of equipment for the rescue centre and by educating staff, the Blue World Institute strives to provide the best possible care for injured and sick sea turtles until their return to nature. The project „Improvement and Increase of Sea Turtle Rescue Centre Capacity” is co-funded by #EUfunds from the Cohesion Fund.