Celebration of Blue World Institute’s 25th anniversary and LIFE DELFI project final event
The Blue World Institute was founded exactly 25 years ago!...
Together with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, we collected data on the recreational boat noise source levels on the 22nd and 25th of October 2020 as part of the Soundscape project. This will be the first pilot study in Croatia, within the Cres-Lošinj Natura 2000 site (HR3000161), to assess the recreational boat noise source levels and the contribution of recreational boating as a principal source of underwater noise. The coastal area of the Natura 2000 site is subject to intense recreational boating, especially in the summer season, and is also an important feeding and nursing ground for the resident bottlenose dolphin community.
Now that the traffic is lower and the sound propagation more uniform during the winter season, the noise levels of various types of boats were recorded in a controlled environment with no other boats around. Those acoustic signatures of recreational boats will be assessed and used for the underwater sound propagation modelling to ground truth the data obtained. This kind of research is important because it aims to ensure an efficient protection of the sensitive marine species and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems.
The Blue World Institute was founded exactly 25 years ago!...
On Saturday, November 16, 2024, the Blue World Institute, in...
As part of the 'Možemo i bez plastike' project, some...
The previous week for students of the School for Field...