Mapping and recycling of marine litter and Ghost nets on the sea-floor


– To set up and test multi-level solutions oriented to monitor and map marine litter on the sea floor, prevent, remove and recycle marine litter from sea-based sources

– To focus on marine litter generated by the fisheries and aquaculture activities – abandoned, accidentally lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG)

Monitoring the presence of marine litter


– Monitoring the presence of marine litter from sea-based sources especially from fisheries and aquaculture activities by mean of combined multi-sensor high resolution acoustic mapping, data analysis, field measurements.

– Mapping the presence of hotspots of marine litter on the sea floor especially from fisheries and aquaculture activities on a wide scale throughout the development of predictive model, able to stimulate dispersion of the sinking marine litter

– Promotion of sustainable removing of marine litter at the sea floor by capitalising and strengthening the exploitation of removal protocols based on conservation of environmental good status and secure processes set up in previous initiatives (GHOST project)

– Improvement of the environmental sustainability and efficiency of recycling process of marine litter by the engineering of prototype that exploits low temperature pyrolysis method to transform the marine litter in an energy source with reasonable costs

– Reducement of the quantity of marine litter from fisheries and aquaculture activities by testing the described prototype in fishing port areas demonstrating its easy-usability and therefore, convenience for fishermen, lastly promoting a sensitisation and a change of behaviours of fishermen towards sustainable practices

– Improvement of the governance framework for the management of marin litter by providing decision supporting tools and best experience to policy makers to orient the policy making process

Promotion of sustainable removing of marine litter


  1. COORDINATOR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze Marine (CNR – ISMAR), Italy
  2. Laguna Project s.n.c., Italy
  3. Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (BWI), Croatia
  4. Sintol srl, Italy
  5. Techneprojects srls, Italy


Costs of the project action – 611.792 € / EU contribution granted – 488.575 € (80%)

Duration 24 months: Project start 01/01/2019 – Project end 31/12/2020


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