The Adriatic Sea is the home of several species of cetaceans and sea turtles and is considered a key foraging and maturing area for young sea turtles. Unfortunately, cetaceans and sea turtles are vulnerable to the influence of various human activities, especially fisheries and coastal tourism (e.g., collision with recreational boats). The main objective of the NETCET project was to develop common strategies for the conservation of cetaceans and sea turtles through a pan-Adriatic cooperation. Cetaceans and sea turtles are a shared endangered natural heritage which cannot be managed by a single state in isolation. Due to the migratory nature of these species and the joint responsibility of Adriatic states, collaboration is essential to planning effective long-term conservation strategies. NETCET was executed between October 2012 through September 2015 and financed by the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme.
Marine biodiversity conservation considerations, and specifically cetaceans and sea turtles conservation, are common to all countries across the Adriatic. However, experience across regions in this field varies and there is thus much to be gained by bringing together best practices and experience with the aim of defining common conservation framework, tools and measures for the conservation of endangered marine species, as well as making the tools readily available to other regions towards. For these reasons the NETCET project, coordinated by the City of Venice, is managed by 13 partners situated in several countries of the Adriatic Basin: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and Slovenia.